About the Summit
The second edition of Europe's Tomorrow: Vaccination and Prevention Summit in Warsaw, Poland, will be an opportunity for policymakers, health experts, young people, start-ups, and civil society organisations to come together and discuss the challenges in the area of vaccinations and prevention both at European and Member State levels. The Summit will also aim to spotlight youth voices with respect to vaccines and prevention, connecting the views of young people with high-level stakeholders in the healthcare industry and related policy fields. The Summit will consist of a series of panel discussions and will also host an exhibition space for start-ups that work on vaccination and prevention.
The Agenda
Registration & Welcome Coffee
8:30 - 9:00
Opening Remarks
09:00 - 09:20 (Aula A)
- Justin Gandy, Managing Director at MSD Poland
- Andrea Gerosa, Founder of ThinkYoung
Panel Discussion
09:20 - 10:20 (Aula A)
"Empowering Healthcare system across EU Member States"
- Andrzej Rys, MD, Principal Scientific Advisor in DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE), European Commission
- Danko Relic, MD, PhD, Member of The European Economic and Social Committee
- Mihai Negrea, Epidemiologist, ThinkYoung Vaccine Coalition Member
- Anna Buchacz, Founder & Board Member of Pani Ani Foundation
Breakout Sessions
10:40 - 12:00 (Aula A, Rooms 202, 203)
Breakout Session 1 "HPV Campaign in Polish Schools"
- Paulina Piechna-Więckiewicz, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of National Education of Poland
- Martyna Wyrzykowska, Director of SEXEDPL
- Jagoda Towalska, Initiator of "Nie Daj Sie HPV" Project
Breakout Session 2 "AI Metaverse in Healthcare education"
- Karolina Kornowska, Chief Operating Officer, AI w Zdrowiu
- Tomasz Sobierajski, Medical Sociologist
- Gary Finnegan, Journalist, VaccinesToday
Lunch & Networking
12:00 - 13:00
Panel discussion
13:00 - 13:45
"Polish perspective on Immunisation and Prevention"
- Prof. dr hab. n. med.Ernest Kuchar, expert of the scientific council of the National Programme for Infectious Diseases Prevention
- Anna Wiśniewska, Spokesperson at Polish Pharmaceutical Student Association
- Ms. Agnieszka Sochoń-Latuszek, Social and Behaviour Change Specialist, UNICEF Refugee Response Office in Poland
- Professor Maria Ganczak, Academic professor, epidemiologist, and infectious disease specialist; the vice-president of the EUPHA Infectious Disease Control section and the head of the Dept of Infectious Diseases at the University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Panel discussion
13:45 - 14:20
"Role of Youth in Decision Making Processes related to Vaccination and Prevention"
- Plamena Nikolova, Child Policy Expert
- Julia Górnicka, Vice President of Education in EPSA
- Ana Begic, MPharm, Senior Regulatory Manager
- Natalia Smuś, Initiator of "Nie Daj Sie HPV" Project
- Milena Angelova, Member at European Economic and Social Committee, Executive Vice-President at SGI Europe (video)
Closing Remarks
14:30 - 14:40
- Marcin Bodio, Director Policy & Communications at MSD Poland
- Andrea Gerosa, Founder of ThinkYoung
The Organiser
ThinkYoung is a not-for-profit organisation, aiming to make the world a better place for young people by involving them in decision-making processes and providing decision-makers with high-quality research on youth conditions. ThinkYoung conducts studies and surveys, makes advocacy campaigns, writes policy proposals, and develops education programmes: up to date, ThinkYoung projects have reached over 800,000 young people. We have offices in Brussels, Geneva, Hong Kong and Nairobi. In January 2019, ThinkYoung founded the ThinkYoung Vaccine Coalition, a group composed of 40 young health professionals representing more than 15 nationalities in 22 countries, who are engaged either in primary healthcare or health policy. The Coalition's main objective is to advocate for the importance of vaccination and prevention across Europe, both at the EU and national level.
Do you have any questions about the initiative? Send us an email to partners@thinkyoung.eu and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!
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